Saturday, March 13, 2010
Apart from cosmetic reasons, there can be other compelling reasons why people want to remove hair; for example medical reasons.
This is required when due to some hormonal imbalance women start sprouting hair at places where they are not supposed to, e.g., facial hair. Also, before surgery a patient's hair requires removal in order to reduce chances of infection. This is done by a simple temporary method like shaving.
Social and cultural reasons dictate hair removal at times. Would you look better at the workplace clean-shaven or with stubble or would you like to flaunt hairy legs on a date? These are things like that make up social and cultural reasons. Many religions across the world also involve some kind of hair removal ritual.
Types of Hair Removal
There are basically two types of hair removal temporary and permanent hair removal processes. Before we discuss the different methods available for hair removal it is essential to know that hair growth starts from beneath the skin's surface.
If you want to remove hair above the skin's surface then that is most likely a temporary method, also called depilation. Shaving, trimming, using creams or powders that dissolve hair or using rough surfaces to rub off hair are temporary methods.
Permanent hair removal, also called epilation, involves removing hair not just from the surface but removing it entirely along with the root. Methods like tweezing, waxing, sugaring, threading, etc. are depilation methods. Then there are the more sophisticated depilation methods such as electrolysis and laser hair removal.
Permanent Hair Removal System
If you are looking for a type of permanent hair removal system, you can rest assured in knowing that there are many options available to you, and so depending on your budget, available time, and personal preference, you should be able to narrow down between the available options and decide on the one that is right for you.
Some of the most popular permanent hair removal system processes include:
Electrolysis hair removal
Hair growth inhibitors
Hair removal creams and depilatories
Ingrown hair treatments
Laser Hair Removal System
There are different types of laser hair removal systems that are available for you to choose, when you are looking for a laser hair removal system.
Each laser hair removal system is different in at least some way from the next, and this is why it is so incredibly important that you truly make yourself knowledgeable on all of the different options, so that you will be sure to make the decision that is right and best for you in the end.
The Advantages of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is considered extremely safe if performed properly and by qualified specialists.
A majority of clients have reported long lasting results and even permanent hair removal.
A laser hair removal treatment can be carried out on large areas such as the chest, back, and legs in one session.
If there is re-growth after laser hair removal this will be much lighter and finer in texture than before.
It can be virtually painless when compared with waxing and electrolysis as a means of body hair removal.
Laser Hair Removal Side Effects
Laser hair removal is an incredibly significant and important matter, and in fact a large majority of the people in the world has had it done.
However, in the case of something like this, it seems that there would of course have to be some types of side effects, and this is what begs the questions of what the possible laser hair removal side effects are.
In regards to the matter of the possible laser hair removal side effects, if you are one of those people who is worried about the safety of this practice, it is important for you to know that laser hair removal side effects are in fact quite rare, and, in most other cases, completely temporary.
Hyper Pigmentation
The most common side effects would include something such as hyper pigmentation, meaning the appearance of dark or white spots, of which would appear on the skin and then disappear in a few months.
This usually happens more often to those who have extremely sensitive skin, and more sensitive skins may also become slightly crusty, but again it is important to recognize and remember that all of these symptoms are only temporary.
Exposure to Sun
Basically, in regards to the side effects from such a treatment as this, they are closely related with exposure to sun or otherwise photo-sensitizing medications.
For instance, people who go to tanning beds regularly may not be an excellent candidate for this laser hair removal procedure, or they should at least refrain from going to the beds for a significant period of time both before and after they plan on having the procedure done.
Laser Hair Removal Risks
There are particular laser hair removal risks that are involved with a laser hair removal treatment or procedure just like any other type of procedure. It is significant for anyone who is planning to have a procedure like this done to understand the possible laser hair removal risks, so that they are well informed on the matter as a whole before having it done.
Skin Burns
The laser hair removal risks may include things such as a burning of the skin, or a discoloring on darker skin due to the use of the laser. This is particularly more likely if the doctor that is performing the procedure is not qualified or experienced enough, and so this is why you will want to make extra sure that the staff of the location you are going to is extremely qualified and deserving of your business and your trust.
Redness or Swelling
As well, after the procedure, no medications or bandages are essential however you are likely to notice some redness and swelling on the skin for a relative time after it is completed.
Crusting of the Skin
As well, stinging may occur for the first couple of days, and some people may even experience a slight crusting of the skin; if this crusting occurs in your case, you should make sure to keep the whole area moist, for example with Vaseline, which is the most recommended option for this.
In regards to the possible laser hair removal risks, there are few, but these still must be considered as critical to learn and understand about.
Seeking Out the Help of Professional Surgeon
There are many options in terms of laser hair removal that you can think about. One option is to seek out a professional surgeon that can complete the quick procedure in their office with little time or cost involved.
It is this type of thing that can end up being the best method to go about it because you trust a professional and you have them to hold accountable for having proper working laser hair removal equipment and a knowledgeable staff.
Without this, you may be looking at a much less confident procedure that could end up removing parts that you do not want removed.
All you need to know about Hair Removal Systems, Methods and Products
0 komentar Diposkan oleh The Master di 4:03 AMThere is a lot of different hair removal systems on the market intended to get rid of unwanted hair, and some have different expense. From plucking the hair out by the roots, for which the biggest expenses is the pain, to professional electrolysis or laser hair removal, expenses for these services can rapidly add up.
With the various different hair removal systems on the market, few of them offer a permanent solution to unwanted hair. Some of the more luxurious treatments such as laser hair removal and electrolysis may comes closest to a permanent solution, but the treatments are not cheap and there is no guarantee that some of the hair will not grow back.
There are latest hair removal systems entering the market that use radio frequency to destroy the individual hairs as well as damage the follicle to prevent re-growth. The makers of these hair removal systems state no pain and a 60 percent success rate after the first in-home treatment. Sound waves are transmitted through the hair by a tweezers-like device for individual hairs and for larger patches of unwanted hair, a patch is used to kill the hair without pulling it out by the roots.
various hair removal methods and comparison between clinical approach and natural ways
There are many varieties of various hair removal methods and comparison between clinical approach and natural ways, and each person will have special preferences to what they like to use. A person's preferences are usually dependant on the quantity of hair that they require to be removed and where about on the body it is. While some people will only need the hair removed temporarily, others will want some hair removed permanently. For many years, most men shaved their beards and moustaches, and they usually had a preferred hair removal method. It was usually a razor. Many men would shave their chests as a temporary removal method, but others have chosen to have waxing as the removal method of choice. Each hair removal method has advantages and disadvantages.
The latest various hair removal methods and comparison between clinical approach and natural ways include lasers which can get rid of hair from different locations on the body. The laser methods are usually an effective method of permanent hair removal. The laser is a great choice, but the laser is also an expensive hair removal technique. The laser machines are expensive, and these must be operated by qualified technicians. Sometimes people must go for several sessions to have all of the hair removed as required.
Waxing is a method for hair removal that will cause some pain. The pain is bearable, but some people do not wish to endure the pain of this procedure
Hair Removal Products
One of the most common methods of hair removal is shaving. The hair removal products involved in shaving are simple to obtain and apply. They include a razor, shaving gel and most choose to use a moisturizer after shaving to prevent razor burn. This is not a permanent measure, and must be repeated frequently.
Hair removal products can be as easy as using a tweezer to pull unwanted hair. Again, not a long term solution, but can easily be done at home. Waxing is another one of the various hair removal products that can be used at home. This form of hair removal needs heating wax and applying strips to the area. The wax strips are then pulled off to get rid of the hair. It is significant to be cautious not to burn yourself with the wax. This method can also be done at a spa or clinic. Sugar waxes are also used. These are easier to clean up, as the answer simply dissolves when water is applied.
Electrolysis is one of the many hair removal products that require several treatment applications. Electrolysis is done by inserting a very tiny needle into a hair follicle. A charge of electricity is transmitted to kill the hair root, preventing the hair from growing. This can take some time, as each hair follicle requires to be penetrated.
Laser hair removal is becoming a more appropriate and safe means of removing hair. Again, before using this hair removal product, make sure the technician and center is using correct protocol. A laser uses light beams in different wave lengths to wipe out hair follicles. Again, it can take a few months to get the desired effect, and can be costly.
Hair removal products can be used at home or it may be necessary to seek out a professional's assistance. Most of these products can not totally eliminate hair growth immediately. Most hair removal products need to be used frequently as hair growth is continuous. Electrolysis and lasers are showing promising results in permanently stopping hair growth, but require a long time to get that result.